TICI – TABLEAU 7 (5) – Difficultés et problèmes mentionnés dans les études examinées classés selon le cadre conceptuel proposé

enq: résultats d’enquêtes – pb: problèmes mentionnés dans des revues des écrits et dans des recherches


– Espaces et gisements informationnels (suite)

Difficultés avec la classification (LC, Dewey) et les cotes
enq: low percentage in each group were able to identify Library of Congress call numbers.
Coupe, 1993 (université)
q: understanding the principles of call numbers and classificationsDaniel, 1997 (secondaire-univresité)
enq: Feshmen had the most difficulty in : Understanding LC call number orderenske, Rachel et Clark, 1995 (collège)

EFFET DE L’EXPÉRIENCE / DE L’EXPERTISE (en recherche d’information – dans le domaine)

Expérience/expertise en recherche d’information
pb: experience with a wide variety of information systems is one of the most important factors in success
Marchionini, 1995 (cf. Gunn, 2002)
pb: experience using a database was the most significant factor in determining searching successHerzberg et Rudner, 1999 (cf. Gunn, 2002)
Expérience/expertise dans le domaine
pb: having a knowledge or expertise in the subject, and the way information-seekers think about the subject they are searching, affect their infor- mation seeking behavior (…) expertise, i.e. knowledge of the discipline and expertise in information-seeking was more important than experience in using a system
Marchionini, 1995 (cf. Gunn, 2002)
enq: Students’ conceptions of info seeking and use are not independent of the content of the info used.Limberg, 1997 (secondaire)
pb: Students observed in this project were often unable to determine what discipline an area of study would fall into and therefore were unable to select, for example, appropriate online databases.Fitzgerald et Galloway, 2001 (cf. Bruce, 2002)
pb: les élèves produisent plus d’interrogations lorsque le thème est familier que lorsque le thème est peu familierDinet, 1999
pb: search for library materials by subjectMaughan, 1994 – UC Berkeley


pb: students experienced difficulty with learning new academic material and learning to search the Web simultaneouslyFidel, 1999 (secondaire) (cf. Gunn, 2002)
enq: Interaction between info seeking and use and learning concern the use of info (Most criteria: relevance, enough info and bias) Group patterns have strongly influenced both the info seeking and use and learning processesLimberg, 1997 (secondaire)
pb: « The paradox confronting students-as-information searchers is that they must ask for what they do not know »Gordon, 2000 (cf. Gunn, 2002)
enq: si 93% des répondants percevaient leurs habiletés de recherche en bibliothèque comme assez bonnes, bonnes ou excellentes, ils ne sont plus que 37% à répondre correctement aux questions poséesMaughan, 1994 – UC Berkeley

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Conception et réalisation: Paulette Bernhard, avec l’assistance de Zeïneb Gharbi
Veuillez envoyer vos commentaires et suggestions à: paulette.bernhard@umontreal.ca.