enq: résultats d’enquêtes – pb: problèmes mentionnés dans des revues des écrits et dans des recherches
– Espaces et gisements informationnels (suite)
Difficultés avec la classification (LC, Dewey) et les cotes enq: low percentage in each group were able to identify Library of Congress call numbers. | Coupe, 1993 (université) |
q: understanding the principles of call numbers and classifications | Daniel, 1997 (secondaire-univresité) |
enq: Feshmen had the most difficulty in : Understanding LC call number order | enske, Rachel et Clark, 1995 (collège) |
EFFET DE L’EXPÉRIENCE / DE L’EXPERTISE (en recherche d’information – dans le domaine)
Expérience/expertise en recherche d’information pb: experience with a wide variety of information systems is one of the most important factors in success | Marchionini, 1995 (cf. Gunn, 2002) |
pb: experience using a database was the most significant factor in determining searching success | Herzberg et Rudner, 1999 (cf. Gunn, 2002) |
Expérience/expertise dans le domaine pb: having a knowledge or expertise in the subject, and the way information-seekers think about the subject they are searching, affect their infor- mation seeking behavior (…) expertise, i.e. knowledge of the discipline and expertise in information-seeking was more important than experience in using a system | Marchionini, 1995 (cf. Gunn, 2002) |
enq: Students’ conceptions of info seeking and use are not independent of the content of the info used. | Limberg, 1997 (secondaire) |
pb: Students observed in this project were often unable to determine what discipline an area of study would fall into and therefore were unable to select, for example, appropriate online databases. | Fitzgerald et Galloway, 2001 (cf. Bruce, 2002) |
pb: les élèves produisent plus d’interrogations lorsque le thème est familier que lorsque le thème est peu familier | Dinet, 1999 |
pb: search for library materials by subject | Maughan, 1994 – UC Berkeley |
pb: students experienced difficulty with learning new academic material and learning to search the Web simultaneously | Fidel, 1999 (secondaire) (cf. Gunn, 2002) |
enq: Interaction between info seeking and use and learning concern the use of info (Most criteria: relevance, enough info and bias) Group patterns have strongly influenced both the info seeking and use and learning processes | Limberg, 1997 (secondaire) |
pb: « The paradox confronting students-as-information searchers is that they must ask for what they do not know » | Gordon, 2000 (cf. Gunn, 2002) |
enq: si 93% des répondants percevaient leurs habiletés de recherche en bibliothèque comme assez bonnes, bonnes ou excellentes, ils ne sont plus que 37% à répondre correctement aux questions posées | Maughan, 1994 – UC Berkeley |